Feedback Us

We welcome for your feedback...!!!

Why your feedback is essential for us!!!

  1. It is your responsibility to ensure that your account has been properly cancelled. An arbitrary email requesting an account to be cancelled is not considered definitive.
  2. All of your Content will be immediately deleted from the Service should you initiate cancellation. This information is irretrievable once deleted.
  3. Your cancellation will be effective immediately once initiated. You will not be charged again from that point forth.
  4. Classguru has the right to suspend or terminate your account and refuse any and all current or future use of the Service for any reason at any time.
  5. Classguru reserves the right at any time, with or without notice, to modify or discontinue the Service, temporarily or permanently.
  6. Non-payment of fee for a continuous period of 3 months, Classpro reserves the right to discontinue the Services to you and delete all information in your Account.

About Us

Our market research shows that there no such kind of software solution for the small and medium sized education centers. Even if there is a solution it is not budget friendly.

So we have made it simple and economical.

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